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International expert Enver Cesko's online workshop on psychotherapy of sexual dysfunctions

Psychotherapy of sexual dysfunctions



საერთაშორისო, სასერტიფიკაციო კურსი „წყვილთა სექსუალური ურთიერთობების დისჰარმონიის ფსიქოთერაპია“


The course is intended for:

- For those who want to study the specifics and methods of psychotherapeutic work with couples with psychosexual difficulties;

– მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის მეცნიერებების წარმომადგენლებისთვის: ფსიქოთერაპევტებისთვის, ექიმებისთვის, ფსიქოლოგებისთვის, სოციალური მუშაკებისთვის, სოციალური და ადამიანის შემსწავლელი მეცნიერებების დარგების სტუდენტებისთვის;

- Also for any interested person who wants to understand the complexities of their sexual, partnership and family relationships;

– ვისაც სურს ჰქონდეს ჰარმონიული სექსუალური ცხოვრება, დაძლიოს სექსუალურ ცხოვრებასთან დაკავშირებული საკუთარი შიშები და შეზღუდვები და აიმაღლოს თვითშეფასება;

– ვისაც სურს მოიპოვოს ევროპული პროფესიული საზოგადოების აღიარებული სერთიფიკატი და ცოდნის დამადასტურებელი აკრედიტირებული საათები;

- The course will discuss the most frequent difficulties arising in the intimate relationship of couples - premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, vaginismus, lack of sexual desire, difficulties in partner relationships, which may later become the basis for the formation of sexual dysfunction and lead to betrayal, divorce.

As a result of passing the course

–  შეისწავლით უნიკალურ ტექნიკებს  პროფესიული საქმიანობს ეფექტიანად წარმართვისთვის;

–  შეძლებთ უკეთ გაერკვეთ საკუთარ ურთიერთობებში პარტნიორთან, მეუღლესთან და გააუმჯობესოთ ის;

– You will receive an international bilingual (Georgian-English) certificate indicating the number of accredited hours.

1. You will get acquainted within the program

• Life scenario from early childhood
• Conflict between concepts and energy
• Similarities and differences between sex and sexuality
• What is love, desire, satisfaction, passion
• What happens beyond the orgasm


You will also get to know:
1. Bio-psychology of sexual dysfunctions

2. Research methods of couples' sexual dysfunctions

3. 5-step model of treatment of couples' sexual dysfunctions:

• Understanding common difficulties
• Introducing each other
• Action to stay in balance
• Mutual differences, change
• Growth and development – ​​moving beyond orgasm

4. Experimental and scientific research data

5. Techniques focused on the body and the mental sphere for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions

6. Psychotherapy of psychosexual dysfunctions as an integrated psychodynamic approach is used to treat many sexual dysfunctions

During the meetings we will answer questions:

Is it possible to save a family in the background of erectile dysfunction?

• Is it possible to save the family in the background of decreased libido and anorgasm?

• Why do intimate relationships between couples end?

• What can a wife do to help her husband deal with erectile dysfunction?

• What can a husband do to help his wife cope with vaginismus?

• How should a couple behave in case of low sexual impulse?

Working hours:
Saturday, July 30, 11.00 - 19.00
Sunday, July 31, 11.00 - 19.00


The author and leader of the course is ენვერ ჩესკო
Member of the Board, Membership Committee and Ethics Committees of the European Psychotherapy Association
• Board member of the World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP) since 2008
• President of the Psychotherapy Association of Kosovo
• Member of the Board of the World Association of Positive Psychotherapy
• ECP – certified psychotherapist of the European Association of Psychotherapists
• WPC – certified psychotherapist of the World Association of Psychotherapy
• Member of the Board of the World Association of Positive Psychotherapy
• Master of Psychology, Pedagogy and Psychotherapy (MSc)
• Member of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)
• From 2016 to the present, regularly leads psychosexology trainings and workshops in 20 countries of the world
• Author of about 150 scientific articles.

For more information, contact us:
598 53 53 88
595 07 81 82



Author and presenter of the program

Enver Cesko

Academy invited trainer. Board member of the World Council of Psychotherapy (WCP). President of the Psychotherapy Association of Kosovo. Author of about 150 scientific articles. Member of the Board, Membership Committee and Ethics Committees of the European Association of Psychotherapy. ECP – certified psychotherapist of the European Association of Psychotherapists, WPC – certified psychotherapist of the World Association of Psychotherapy.


Posted in კატეგორიის გარეშე

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European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy AGM 2019

On October 10, 2019, the AGM of the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy was held at the Netherlands Academy of Psychotherapy in Amsterdam. At the meeting, the accreditation of the first Georgian organization, Psychocorrection and Psychodiagnostic House "Dendron", was ratified in the international organization. Full Accredited Member status is the highest status awarded by a European wide accreditation body. This involves simultaneously accrediting the organization's training programs and recognizing graduates' compliance with ECIP certification standards.

ინტეგრირებული ფსიქოთერაპიის ევროპული ასოციაცი